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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Discharge Instructions - General

Based on our clinical examination and testing, we feel that you are safe for discharge home today with the following precautions:

Return to the Emergency Department for persistent or worsening [precautions], or any new or concerning symptoms.

[Insert specific discharge instructions here.]

Please note that if your condition worsens or changes significantly, we would like to see you again. You may return at any time if you have further concerns.  Following up with your primary care provider and/or specialist as indicated is important for your overall health and wellness.

You are more than welcome to provide input about your healthcare experience with me, [Your Name] at [relevant link].

I am interested in hearing about your positive or negative experiences.  Your input can help us improve our processes and help the Emergency Department continue to provide the high level of care that our patients deserve and that we strive for every day.

Thank you for visiting [Hospital Name] Emergency Department.

Be sure to enter the relevant information about your name and institution.  Patient feedback is an important part of improving the care we deliver.  I have found that the patient's who are most likely to remember your name or comment on your care are those who are dissatisfied.  Satisfied patient's often give you feedback directly, but don't seek out the process for providing feedback.  By giving your name and the relevant feedback links to more patient's in can encourage those with positive experiences to provide feedback as well.

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