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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

EKG Note

EKG Interpretation

An EKG was obtained in the evaluation at [time] and interpreted at [time].

[Regular sinus rhythm/Sinus tachycardia/bradycardia/Atrial fibrillation] at a rate of [##] beats per minute with a [normal/leftward] axis [with/without] ectopy.  

PR interval [normal/prolonged/shortened] at [##] ms. QRS complex [normal/prolonged/shortened] at [##] ms [consistent with a complete/incomplete right bundle branch block (RBBB)/left bundle branch block (LBBB)].  QT interval [normal/prolonged/shortened] at [##] ms.  

ST segment noted to [have no evidence of elevations or depressions suggestive of acute ischemia or infarction/have elevation at the J point consistent with early repolarization].  T waves noted to have [no evidence of peaked appearance/inversions/acute abnormalities].

A prior EKG was [unavailable/compared to this study with no significant changes/specify].

Must contain ≥3 of the following 6: 1) rate/rhythm, 2) axis, 3) intervals, 4) ST segment changes, 5) comparison to prior, and 6) summary of patient’s clinical condition

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