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Friday, April 17, 2020

MDM - Nursemaid's Elbow

[##-month/year-old male/female] presents with [mother/father/parents] with history and exam consistent with radial head subluxation (nursemaid’s elbow).

Initial considerations in this patient included nursemaid’s elbow, supracondylar fracture, radial head fracture, and other fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity among others.

Patient presented with sudden onset of pain and unwillingness to move the [left/right] arm after longitudi0nal traction injury.  Patient noted to have a normal pulse and grossly intact sensation in the distal [left/right] extremity.  Plain films were [obtained and noted to have no evidence of fracture or other significant injury/not obtained in patient with classic story and findings on exam for radial head subluxation].  Successful reduction was achieved using [hyperpronation/supination] technique, and the patient was noted to be spontaneously moving the [left/right] arm within 30 minutes of procedure.

Prior to discharge, we discussed return precautions and counseled the patient’s [mother/father/parents] on avoiding traction on the affected arm as this injury is frequently recurrent, and they demonstrated understanding and agreement with this plan.

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