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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

MDM - Retained Vaginal Foreign Body

[##]-year-old female presents with history and exam consistent with retained vaginal foreign body.

Initial considerations in this patient included retained vaginal foreign bodies including condom and tampon, various etiologies of vaginitis, and infectious etiologies including toxic shock syndrome among others.

Patient presented with report of suspicion of retained [condom/tampon] for [##] days with associated vaginal irritation and discharge.  Pelvic exam was performed in the ED with a female standby as noted above with removal of retained [condom/tampon].  Patient noted to have [no findings suggestive of associated vaginitis/associated foul smelling discharge and findings on wet prep and KOH evaluation consistent with candidal/bacterial vaginitis with discussion of appropriate treatment on discharge].  Patient noted to have no associated fever, rash or other systemic symptoms suggestive of toxic shock syndrome.

Prior to discharge we discussed return precautions, appropriate treatment and follow up plan, and the patient demonstrated understanding and agreement with this plan.

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