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Friday, April 10, 2020

MDM - Threatened Abortion (Miscarriage)

[##]-year-old female G[#]P[####] at [##] weeks and [##] days gestational age with history and exam consistent with threatened abortion.

Initial consideration in this patient included ectopic pregnancy, inevitable, incomplete, active or threatened spontaneous abortion, septic abortion, subchorionic hemorrhage, hematoma, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and urinary tract infection (UTI) among others. 

Patient presented with [vaginal bleeding/pelvic pain] without evidence of hemodynamic instability or symptomatic anemia.  Patient [reported/denied] previous ultrasound with evidence of intrauterine pregnancy.  Patient noted to have [A/B/O +/-] blood type with [no indication for RhoGAM/RhoGAM given prior to discharge from ED].  No evidence of brisk active bleeding on pelvic exam in the ED.  Cervix noted to be closed on exam making inevitable abortion unlikely.  No mass or focal tenderness on bimanual or ultrasound.  [Formal/Bedside] ultrasound with [no clear] evidence of intrauterine pregnancy [with reassuring fetal heart rate and gross movement].  Doubt septic abortion based on absence of fever, significant uterine tenderness on exam, or evidence of purulent vaginal discharge.  Doubt significant ovarian cyst or torsion at this time based on [history/exam/ultrasound].  No evidence of cervical motion tenderness to suggest PID at this time.  [Case discussed with Dr. NAME of Obstetrics with PLAN.]

Discussed return precautions, specifically for evidence of worsening bleeding or pain, symptomatic treatment, and follow up with Obstetrics within [2-3 days/1 week] for further evaluation, and the patient demonstrated understanding and agreement.

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